Twee jaar geleden startte de campagne van BBB voor de Provinciale Statenverkiezingen in Zeeland. De partij boekte een enorme zege. Hoe staat het er nu voor?
The Better Business Bureau gives Better Mortgage an A- rating rather than an A+ due to customer complaints against the lender. What Borrowers Are Saying About Better Mortgage Business Insider ...
TD Bank was ranked as the third-best bank for customer satisfaction in J.D. Power’s 2022 U.S. National Banking Satisfaction Study and has an A+ BBB rating. The bank also offers better in-person ...
We evaluated each loan on a range of features, including minimum and maximum loan amounts, repayment periods, personal credit score needed, Better Business Bureau rating and business requirements ...
Onder toeziend oog van Notaris Leegstra hebben Jesse Looijenga, Binne de Vries, Kevin Wiersma en Lucia van der Veen een handtekening gezet onder de officie¨le oprichtingsakte van hun partij, Better ...
A teenage boy in Malvan, a town in Maharashtra’s Sindhudurg district, was detained for shouting anti-India slogans during the India-Pakistan cricket match last Sunday. His parents were also arrested, ...
De partij van Geert Wilders staat op 34 zetels ... Ook de huidige coalitiepartijen hebben in deze peiling samen bij lange na geen meerderheid. De PVV, VVD, NSC en BBB staan samen op 64 zetels. Bij de ...
U.S. President Donald Trump said Monday he wanted to revive the Keystone XL oil pipeline, even though its developer has already walked away from the project. “The company building the Keystone XL ...
ANALYSIS: Fenix' bid for CZR Resources says a lot about investor confidence in the future of the Pilbara's iron ore industry. “Robe Mesa has been on the radar for mine for a long time; I've been ...
Ruim 35 jaar na de val van de Berlijnse Muur stemt Oost-Duitsland nog steeds anders dan West-Duitsland. De economische kloof tussen oost en west speelt een belangrijke rol, maar Oost-Duitsers ...
He seized on that notoriety to come up with his “Disagree Better” slogan. Unfortunately, if it was not clear before, the 2025 legislative session has revealed the slogan to be nothing but ...