For many educators, it’s panic time again, following the latest results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress, aka the “Nation’s Report Card,” as it has been labeled by the people who are ...
Rapidly-increasing levels of non-English speaking students in schools across the nation may be contributing to the abysmal ...
NAEP remains the single most important activity of the Education Department. Which is why it needs the secretary's watchful ...
Scores on the Smarter Balanced and state science tests will soon be labeled Advanced, Proficient, Developing and Minimal.
Linda McMahon arrives for her confirmation hearing before the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee at the ...
Secretary of Education Linda McMahon should focus on improving teacher education programs to produce educators who can teach kids to read and write, rather than empowering them to overthrow the ...
"This chaos is not helpful for our principals, superintendents and teachers who are on the ground doing the hard work," Amanda Aragon said.
Florida students’ low scores on the recent National Assessment for Educational Progress shows state leaders have much to do.
Wisconsin is running the other way by lowering its state standards and "cut scores"—the minimum score needed to pass an ...
Catholic schools have consistently outpaced public schools in recent decades, with higher-ranking scores going back to the ...