What sort of sport will the Buckeyes or anyone else return to when they kick it off again seven months from now.
The PGA's new CEO Derek Sprague sits down for a lengthy Q&A and lays out his plan to make the PGA great again.
I also hope one of them will take it up because I get seasick pretty easily… Michael Lujan Bevacqua is an author, artist, activist and the curator for The Guam Museum.
Since losing his first three games at the helm, Marcus Freeman’s Notre Dame football teams have improved each season.
Noie:Could Notre Dame men's basketball go inside and secure success in a non-league home game? Noie:Notre Dame director of athletics Pete Bevacqua steps from the shadows into spotlight Maybe an Irish ...
Last Thursday, Fighting Irish coach Marcus Freeman and director of athletics Pete Bevacqua stood on a stage where Sugar Bowl president Walter Becker presented them with the game's trophy ...
Bob Dowd, C.S.C., and Director of Athletics Pete Bevacqua. The investment they continue to pour into our program is invaluable to our student-athletes and staff. This commitment goes well beyond ...
The timing of Marcus Freeman's extension that will keep him in South Bend through the 2030 season was risky for new Irish AD Pete Bevacqua. With the deal being inked just days before Notre Dame's ...
NEW ORLEANS -- Notre Dame athletic director Pete Bevacqua woke up Wednesday at 5:30 a.m. and checked his phone. Several news alerts popped up. The words "domestic ...
In a statement, Freeman thanked Notre Dame President Rev. Bob Dowd, athletic director Pete Bevacqua and the Board of Trustees, led by John Veihmeyer. “The investment they continue to pour into our ...