Trees need a certain number of warm days in their growing seasons to grow properly; otherwise, the cell walls of new growth ...
Scotland must do more to help hydropower facilities maximize their output and prevent negative impacts on wildlife in the ...
In the United States, the most well-known skin-penetrating parasitic worm, called a nematode, is the hookworm. But globally, ...
Topological insulators (TIs) are among the hottest topics in condensed matter physics today. They're a bit strange: Their ...
Molecules haven't been used in quantum computing, even though they have the potential to make the ultra-high-speed ...
Researchers from Tel Aviv University's School of Zoology have studied the behavior and movement of the common spur-winged ...
A recent study from Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India has revealed new details about how our cells clean ...
Whale sharks are drawn to natural underwater features such as seamounts and canyons as well as artificial features like ...
Iron is one of the main elements found in the Earth's inner core, which is characterized by extremely high temperatures and ...
Researchers at Leipzig University have developed a new process for reversing the polarity of chemical compounds, also known ...
West Greenland is home to tens of thousands of blue lakes that provide residents with drinking water and sequester carbon ...
In conventional agriculture, synthetic chemical pesticides are used in various crops such as arable farming, vegetable ...