SAKAI--Researchers got an almost unheard of chance March 7 to step foot atop an imposing keyhole-shaped imperial burial mound ...
While Japanese women may be catching up with men in terms of pay, the same cannot be said for those with disabilities.
The Ishiba Cabinet adopted a bill on March 7 to transform the Science Council of Japan, a governmental agency, into a ...
Snow and slushy rain were forecast in Tokyo and mountainous areas in the southern Kanto region over the weekend of March 8-9.
It means the state must never meddle with academic matters, no matter how unwelcome they may be to the powers that be, ...
TAIPEI--Along with fulminating against the United States, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi reasserted China’s South China Sea ...
Pianos from the time of Beethoven and Mozart form part of a collection here that was lovingly put together by a piano tuner ...
The government adopted a bill to incorporate the Science Council of Japan, but also strengthen state oversight, triggering renewed concerns about academic freedom.
Gohan Lab special page by The Asahi Shimbun. The Asahi Shimbun is widely regarded for its journalism as the most respected daily newspaper in Japan.
Economy and foreign ministers of Japan and Britain agreed Friday to promote free and open international trade at their first “two-plus-two” dialogue on economy held in Tokyo amid growing concern about ...
お笑いコンビ・爆笑問題が、8日放送のフジテレビ系『ENGEIグランドスラム』(後9:00)に生出演。太田光が、冒頭から「助けてくれ!」と叫びながら、つかみから「本当にフジテレビ、このタイミングで生放送で我々を呼ぶという(笑)。何かをあきらめたんですか ...
“ピン芸日本一決定戦”『R-1グランプリ2025』が、8日にカンテレ・フジテレビ系で生放送(後6:30)。過去最多5511人のエントリーから、芸歴3年目の友田オレ(23)が優勝に輝き、23代目王者の称号と賞金500万円を手に入れた。史上最年少での王者 ...