The insolvency of Germany's third-largest tour operator FTI in June 2024 has resulted in significant market changes. Ingo ...
At ITB, the Dertour Group will be presenting insights into current developments in the European travel market. The ...
A series of earthquakes and their consequences have hit the Cyclades island hard. However, Greece's Tourism Minister Olga ...
Southeast Asia is enjoying a surge in bookings as long-haul tourists continue to return to the region and turn their backs on ...
For Miroslav Borshosh it's the first ITB in his new role as Bulgaria’s Minister of Tourism. In his interview with ...
Nobody wants to talk about a "Trump Slump" just yet, but: after the new US government's tirades against Europe, Germans' ...
Motel One founder Dieter Müller is selling the majority of his company. The European financial investor PAI Partners is ...
Head of TUI Germany, is now CCO Markets and thus the top buyer of the largest tourism group. How the cooperation with hotels ...
Das erste Sondierungsergebnis von CDU, CSU und SPD zur Regierungsbildung liegt vor und unsere Schwesterpublikation aus der ...
Seit Sonntag legt die Gewerkschaft Verdi den gesamtem Flugverkehr in Hamburg lahm; am Montag folgen 12 weitere Flughäfen. Der ...
Mit seiner Road-Trip-Serie hat Brand USA viele wertvolle Routen-Infos für Beratung und Verkauf geliefert. Nun geht die ...
Bisher wurden die Rollen des President und des CEO bei B&B Hotels von Fabrice Collet wahrgenommen. Diese Rollen werden ...