Doral: South Florida's Premier Destination for Living, Working, Learning, and Thriving. Discover a vibrant, safe community offering exceptional quality of life, thriving businesses, top-tier …
Doral, incorporated on January 28, 2003, in one of thirty-four municipalities in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Conveniently located just one mile from Miami International Airport and twelve …
The City of Doral government is a charter city with a Mayor/City Council/City Manager form of government with four elected City Councilmembers representing the City along with a Mayor. …
Doral Facts. The City has established noteworthy accomplishments in its five years of incorporation and 15 square miles. World-class parks and cultural activities; Doral Trump Golf …
Situated just west of Miami International Airport, Doral is close to downtown Miami and easily accessible from Miami Beach. The city specializes in “hidden gems” -- places you’ll want to …
The Records Unit is responsible for maintaining and distributing incident reports, accident reports and arrest reports in compliance with City of Doral polices and State regulations. The Records …
Doral Central Park This 78-acre park is the largest park in the City and home to major events such as EGGstravaganza and the Independence Day Celebration. The first phase of the park …
The Dept. operates and maintains eleven parks with an abundance of amenities for every age and lifestyle including: a community center, lighted artificial sports fields, basketball courts, tennis …